New School Governors At Ysgol Friars - Gwynedd Council - Neil FodenTen months after the arrest of Neil Foden, parents and governors still have little confidence in cyngor Gwynedd council to stop any...
Silence On Historic Complaints - Gwynedd Council...The Care Scrutiny Committee of Cyngor Gwynedd council received the SS annual complaints handling report last week. It is the first time...
Cyngor Gwynedd Council Training Fact Check...Cyngor Gwynedd Care Scrutiny Committee met on the 20th April, 2023, to hear progress on the autism plan. Councillor Gwynfor Owen asked...
Family 'Under Siege' In Nefyn Granted Planning Permission - Cyngor Gwynedd Council.During the pandemic, Welsh Government passed new laws and policies to enable more public participation in local authority proceedings....