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Cyngor Gwynedd Risk Model - Are Children Safe..?

Whose job is it to keep children in Gwynedd safe from predators like Neil Foden?


While Garem Jackson is holed up at home refusing to answer the door to reporters - who is asking questions of the school governors at Ysgol Friars? -

and Ysgol Dyffryn Nantlle? -

And what of the cyngor Gwynedd safeguarding team...?

The Senior Manager Safeguarding and Quality at Cyngor Gwynedd Counci is Dafydd Paul - ' Senior manager within statutory Children Services with responsibility in areas of child protection (safeguarding), adult protection, corporate safeguarding and quality assurance. Manager of the Safeguarding and Quality Unit. Internal coach, coach supervisor and trainer in corporate programmes. AcademyWales associate in areas of executive coaching, facilitation and Managing Change training programme.' 

Dafydd Paul and Bruce Thornton created the Risk Model -


The Risk Model continues to be developed.  As it is introduced in ever increasing numbers of Authorities, Bruce modifies and extends the tools and training products.  Dafydd has incorporated the Risk Model into a new innovation developed by Children Services in Gwynedd called Effective Child Protection

About the project -

Has the Risk Model failed..? All models, policies and procedures are heavily reliant on the honesty, integrity and professional judgement of those in senior positions...

In June, 2023, feedback from a safeguarding review by Care Inspectorate Wales was presented to the Care Scrutiny Committee. It was found that - Children in Gwynedd benefit from agencies sharing information effectively, and this is supported by a clear and understood model of practice. It was considered that children in Gwynedd are safeguarded effectively...

But the council do acknowledge  - However, two examples were seen where external agencies had not shared information with children’s services in a timely manner. In typical Ffordd Gwynedd way, Marian Parry Hughes, Head of Children and Family SS does not name the external agencies in her report. 

Also -  2.8 It was noted that North Wales Police’s policy is not to attend review child protection conferences. It was recognised that they provide a report to the meetings, but it was flet (sic) that this was a failure to participate in the discussion in relation to whether the child remained at risk of significant harm

One wonders if the Care Inspectorate Wales review was the reason for the Director of SS, delaying publication of the 2022/23 Annual Complaints Handling report? The CIW may have probed deeper if they had known about the historic complaints reported...

The report can be found here - A reminder that this is the first SS Annual Complaints Handling report to go before the Care Scrutiny Committee since 2019 after which Dafydd Paul was called out for misleading councillors. No proper scrutiny for five years...

“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.”

Thomas Paine  

Something is so very wrong within Gwynedd council...


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