Gwynedd Councillors And Safeguarding Training...
A Freedom of Information request (FOI) asking cyngor Gwynedd council for the number of councillors who had undertaken safeguarding training was sent to the website on 7th November, 2024.

On the 4th December, an officer replied with - 45 Council Members have completed safeguarding training between May 2014 and November 2024..
Gwynedd council informed the list was - Available on request
It is believed that a further 11 councillors have now completed safeguarding training. So even after Neil Foden, 13 councillors have not attended council safeguarding workshops...
It is not just councillors failing to undertake important training...
The former portfolio holder for children and families bemoaned that staff of his department were not undertaking training either -
"it would frighten you how few members of staff undertake these trainings..."
This cabinet member is now the portfolio holder for Adults. Are social workers and staff undertaking training in this department..?
Something is so very wrong within Gwynedd council...