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Harassment In Schools - Cyngor Gwynedd Council.

On the 8th February, 2022, Cyngor Gwynedd council held an Education and Economy Scrutiny Committee meeting. The agenda for the meeting can be found here - The agenda included - HARASSMENT OF HEADTEACHERS, TEACHERS AND SCHOOL STAFF ON SOCIAL MEDIA There have been incidents and the situation is being monitored... What of the video of a Headteacher appearing to have a child by the neck? The same Headteacher who caused the social media backlash on school dinners - but then accused the council of throwing him under a bus... The Education officer thanked the committee for the question and said he would get back to them....

Why the headteacher accused the council of throwing him under the bus was asked at the Education Scrutiny Committee meeting but the Cabinet Member for Education, Cemlyn Williams, did not answer the question. Instead, he chose to focus on his perception that he was being compared to Boris Johnson. The Education officer simply wished to be 'moving forward' Have Committee members thought about inviting Mr Foden, so that they may hear his side of the story? SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN SCHOOLS Whilst acknowledging there is a problem, there was again very little in the way of data. The main data coming from a UK website on bullying and harassment... Where is the local data? The schools must have recorded incidents - why was that data not presented? Why is there no data from Gwynedd Youth Justice. The Police - Governors - Pupils - Parents? With regard to the Economy report - the data driving future works in the county appears to come from a survey undertaken by the council. There were less than 160 responses...Of those some were critical of the lack of youth provision in Gwynedd - this criticism does not appear in the council report... Regardless, the committee passed the reports... This meeting should be available for public viewing on the council website sometime soon -

Something is very wrong within Gwynedd council...

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