Task And Finish At Cyngor Gwynedd Council...
Gwynedd's Care Scrutiny Committee met on the 21st September, 2024. Gwynedd's Care Scrutiny Committee met on the 21st September, 2024. The Housing Allocation Policy And Housing Waiting List was discussed. It was reported that empty homes are not being refurbished as quickly as was hoped. For the translated feed press the english tab -
One councillor asked about the social housing that would be built through the council tax premium.
No social housing is to be built - the premium is for 'affordable' housing.
Does affordable housing attract more grants?
Can they then be rented out for higher/market rates?
Problems with the online application form was mentioned and issues with the data was raised. The cabinet member for housing, Craig ab Iago, challenged the officers with regard to outsiders being given a house and said he knew of an example where this happened. He asked for anyone with examples to contact the department and to also inform him. With regard to homelessness, the cabinet member mentioned a sticking plaster on cancer and what was needed was solutions...
Councillors wanted knowledge of who was moving in to their area and if there was a local connection.
One councillor mentioned that refugees have been given a house while six local families are left waiting in one village and said that animosity will increase...
Councillors asked for the senior officers of the housing associations to attend a meeting. The report was accepted while asking for an update - in a years time.
On supported housing - one councillor expressed his disappointmrnt at the housing officers who had already left the meeting. A lack of accountability for these homes was also raised with the fear of abuse for those vulnerable residents. The Head of Adults SS, Aled Davies, said the quality assurance team responsible for services 'is not as strong as it should be'.
In light of the recent embargo on care homes in Gwynedd could this be considered a high risk?
The Autism plan was discussed...
A task and finish group is to be established. Concerns were raised with the wording of the report and what was highlighted. Vera Jones, the lead officer who was to present the report was absent but her colleague said it was a mistake and the whole plan should have been included in the brief.
The draft brief focuses on learning disabilities and there was a call for those in the autism field to be included in the autism plan. Councillor Gwynfor Owen who has a son receiving support said he was not allowed to be a member of the task and finish group after discussion with the monitoring officer.
The former chair of the care scrutiny committee stated that his wife received domiciliary services but this was not considered prejudicial by the monitoring officer - he simply declared an interest where money was discussed and left the meeting. Others did not think it an issue either. It was thought the councillor's knowledge of autism would be invaluable...
One officer suggested the autism plan may be too large for the task and finish group...
It was agreed to consider the whole plan and not simply the two points highlighted in the report by the democratic services manager.
The webcast then ended so the committee could have an informal meeting behind closed doors...
It must be remembered that the autism plan is separate from learning difficulties and the council has already received 'ringfenced' monies from government to create such services - since 2008 and the introduction of the autism SAP.
In other news, a member of a separate committee sits on a task and finish group that has been set up to investigate the county's smallholdings and rents in particular. This member has a smallhoding rented from the council...
Something is very wrong within Gwynedd council...